TMNT Peach-Nova Minisodes (2006)

3 out of 5

Directed by: Peach Nova

Done with a Flash-like animation style – the sort of stiff limbed look of early Seaquest or Archer – 2006 saw 20 of these minute or so shorts, voiced by the 2003 Turtles crew and using (thank god) the pre-Flash Forward character designs.  However, someone on the Technodrome forums suggested there was some Dan Berger type flair to the boys’ expressions, and I’m apt to agree.  It looks good though, and matches the yuk-yuk cartoonishness of these shorts.  About half of them are dumb fun, with the other half relying on gross-out gags which were never really part of the TMNT humor pool.  And all of them are set ups for a final gag line, but they’re 60 seconds apiece, so what else could you expect?

Not required viewing by any means, but far from annoying, which they certainly had potential to be.  Even the gross-out ones are just exactly what they are, no unnecessary clutter or attempts to dress it up, and the look is unique enough as compared to any other versions of the TMNT to make it pleasingly eye-catching.

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